Loan Portfolios


Our Approach to Loan Portfolios

As an established alternative investment fund manager, AB CarVal seeks investments on behalf of its distressed debt funds in portfolios of loans sold by banks and other financial institutions. The Loan Portfolios team manages investments in consumer, residential, commercial and industrial whole loan portfolios from a variety of sellers, including large financial institutions and small community banks. The Loan Portfolios team is also very focused on real estate mezzanine debt deals, drawing on AB CarVal’s nearly three decades of experience in commercial real estate.

To date, AB CarVal has invested over $29 billion in more than 2,015 loan portfolio transactions across 31 countries. The firm works with industry-leading servicers to manage the assets in which it invests.

The expertise developed in Loan Portfolios benefits AB CarVal’s firm-wide, global multi-strategy approach. The Loan Portfolios team works closely with investment professionals in AB CarVal’s commercial real estate business to capitalize on commercial real estate credit opportunities and in its Corporate Securities business to execute on opportunities requiring expertise across the asset classes.